
Join Classic Sailing Club for £50 and come on a CLASSIC DAY OUT, a half day sail on one of our yachts on the river Orwell and lunch at the Butt and Oyster pub, Pin Mill

Points Packages

Purchase some points and use them to bareboat charter or take a berth on club trips, regattas, or passages
10% of any purchase of 125 points or more in January

RYA Training Courses

In order to use one of our yachts as a bareboat members must be qualified to RYA Day Skipper (bands 1-3) or RYA Coastal Skipper (Bands 4 and above). If you do not have either of the above qualifications, you can take a course on a Classic Sailing Club yacht on a course run by Richard Wells an RYA Certified Sailing Course Instructor and Training Centre Principal.